Pre-Nursery to Nursery

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Little ones toddle their way into playgroup holding their parent’s hand. This is the first time your child will be stepping out of home, so it is very important to ensure that he feels the environment at school as homely. Our teachers and school welcome them with taken special care and providing thematic display, appropriately mapped teaching and learning aids and colorfully embellished environment stimulate the little one young mind.

Playgroup children at Gurukul play and learn with their age mates. Play dough, Clay play, Sand play as well as a splashes of water in the pool will help the toddlers to develop a love for their pre-school. Songs, stories and fun filled activities lure children to happily get acquainted to the pre-school setting to further their developmental journey simultaneously involving parents who support us in their little ones developmental progression.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.